PhEx 7
The 7th workshop on
Phonological Externalization of Morphosyntactic Structure: Universals and Variables
September 14, 2018 (Fri)
Sapporo, Japan
Abstract Submission (by June 25, 2018):
An anonymous one page A4 PDF
contact: toki<at>sapporo-u.ac.jp
Abstract Submission (by June 25, 2018):
An anonymous one page A4 PDF
Possible topics include (but not are limited to):
- The mechanism of externalization
- Linear order of constituents, morphemes, and/or phonemes
- Variation of the syntax-phonology interface
- Historical changes of word order
- Prosodic categories and their hierarchy
- Mapping of syntactic structure onto phonological structure
- Prosodic phrasing and syntax
- Phonological approaches to syntactic phenomena
Conference Hall, Hokkaido University
N8 W5, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan
Room No.3
The 7th Workshop on
Phonological Externalization of Morphosyntactic Structure: Universals and Variables
September 14, 2018
Conference Hall, Hokkaido University (N8 W5, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan)
10:00 Welcome
10:05 Hisao Tokizaki (Sapporo University)
Prosody and the Position of Subject
10:40 Yoshihito Dobashi (Niigata University)
Prosody and the Position of Object
11:15 Break (10 min)
11:25 Kuniya Nasukawa (Tohoku Gakuin University)
The Phonological Structure of Morphemes Constructed by Merge
12:00 Lunch (80 min)
13:20 Aritz Irurtzun (CNRS-IKER)
Parameters in the Spell Out of Focus
13:55 Atsushi Fujimori (University of Shizuoka), Noriko Yamane (Hiroshima University), Mineharu Nakayama (The Ohio
State University), Noriko Yoshimura (University of Shizuoka) and Ian Wilson (University of Aizu)
The Perception of Prosodic Focus Marking
14:30 Break (10 min)
14:40 Ryuichiro Hirata (National Institute of Technology, Niihama College)
PF Interface Approach to P-Stranding Generalizations in Welsh
15:15 Jiro Inaba (The University of Tokyo)
Some Aspects of PPs in German
15:50 Break (20 min)
16:10 Akitaka Yamada (Georgetown University)
Contiguity Theory and Crystallization: Wh-Phrases and Concord Adverbs in Japanese
16:45 Akira Watanabe (The University of Tokyo)
Ordinals, Superlatives, and Linearization
17:20 Discussion
17:40 Close
Contact: Hisao Tokizaki toki@sapporo-u.ac.jp
You can download the proceedings of our previous workshops (PhEx vols.1-3) at:
vol. 1
vol. 2
vol. 3